Student Planner
- School Schedule
- Attendance
- Homework
- Lockers
- Lunchroom
- Safety/Security
- General Conduct
- Central Detention
- Buses
- Health Program
- School Nurse
- Request for Records
- Change in Program
- Student Support Services
- Emergency School Closings
- Telephone Use
- Athletics
- School Dances
- Bookbags, Skateboards, Electronics
- Breakfast Program
- Volunteers
- Title VI, Title IX, Section 504
- Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
- Student Planner
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Discipline Grid
School Schedule
Period | Time |
1 | 7:28-8:16 |
2 | 8:19-9:02 |
3 | 9:05-9:48 |
4 | 9:51-10:34 |
5 | 10:37-11:07 |
6 | 11:10-11:20 |
7 | 11:23-11:53 |
8 | 11:56-12:06 |
9 | 12:09-12:39 |
10 | 12:42-1:25 |
11 | 1:28-2:11 |
One Hour Delay
Period | Time |
1 | 8:28-9:07 |
2 | 9:10-9:44 |
3 | 9:47-10:21 |
4 | 10:24-10:58 |
5 | 11:01-11:31 |
6 | 11:34-11:39 |
7 | 11:42-12:16 |
8 | 12:19-12:24 |
9 | 12:27-12:57 |
10 | 1:00-1:34 |
11 | 1:37-2:11 |
Two Hour Delay
Period | Time |
1 | 9:28 -9:58 |
2 | 10:01-10:26 |
3 | 10:29-10:54 |
4 | 10:57-11:22 |
5 | 11:25-11:55 |
6 | 11:57-12:00 |
7 | 12:03-12:33 |
8 | 12:36-12:38 |
9 | 12:41-1:11 |
10 | 1:14-1:39 |
11 | 1:42-2:11 |
Regular attendance is a major factor in school success. While schoolwork missed during an absence can and should be made up in a timely and satisfactory manner, the value of classroom instruction is gone forever. It is important, therefore, that absence from school be kept at a minimum. Students are responsible for checking with their teachers as to the assignments and work that has been missed. Call Ext. 21521 or email to report an absence.
When you return to school following an absence, you must present a note to the attendance office. This note must contain your full name, your student identification number, the dates of absence, reason for absence, and must be signed by your parent/guardian.
A student absent without the consent of his/her parents is truant. This is considered an unexcused absence. Truancy may result in In-School suspension and could also result in legal action (possibly involving Family Court).
You are truant if you:
1. Leave school without permission from the main office or nurse.
2. Are absent from school without prior permission from parents.
Students who report to school late must first stop at the attendance office for a pass to admit them to class. Teachers will not admit a student to class without an official late pass.
If you are late to school, you must bring a note of explanation from your parent/guardian regarding the lateness. The note must contain a phone number where the parent can be reached. A phone call from your parent or a parent’s appearance at school to explain the lateness will take the place of the note.
New York State law states that legal reasons for absence/lateness include ONLY the following:
- sickness
- sickness/death in family
- required court appearance
- religious observance
- military obligation
- medical appointments
- approved college visit
A student is considered to be tardy to class when they are not inside the classroom by the second bell.
Orange County District Attorney’s Office Strategic Methods Aimed at Reducing Truancy: The Washingtonville Central School District is a participant in the Orange County District Attorney’s Smart program. The Smart program is directed at securing the compliance of parents with state laws concerning mandatory school attendance. Furthermore, the Smart program is intended to provide school districts with the ability to back up their efforts at reducing truancy by involving the District Attorney’s Office in the process with those parents who otherwise neglect or refuse to comply with the law.
If you are to be excused from school for any reason, you must bring in a written request from your parent to the attendance office, where a special excuse can be obtained. A phone call may be made to verify the request. Students who are sent home by the nurse or who are leaving school early must wait at the front desk until picked up by a parent.
Any request for release for religious services must be presented one day in advance in writing. No student will be allowed to leave school without being signed out at the main entrance desk by their parent or guardian.
Parents/guardians of students who are absent from school, or the students themselves, can access google classroom to check assignments.
If you are unable to access assignments electronically, or if a student is absent for two days or more, you may call the attendance office (21521) to initiate a request for missed assignments. Please be advised this process may take twenty-four hours. If a student will be absent for an extended period of time, parents/guardians should contact their child’s guidance counselor (21511).
Parents/guardians may retrieve textbooks, etc. from their child’s locker during regular school hours, but they need the lock combination or key. Homework can be picked up at the front desk in the lobby.
The Commissioner of Education and Board of Regents have raised the standards for all students. The home element has become more critical as our course content and expectations challenge students to reach their maximum potential. Research shows that learning is reinforced and enhanced when students go over the key ideas and concepts learned in class the evening following the instruction. Therefore, homework is an integral part of learning in which all students are required to participate. It consists of reading, writing and studying/reviewing of work taught during the day.
At the Middle School each teacher will more specifically define their homework policy for students and parents. Parents are strongly encouraged to provide an environment at home free from noise, interruptions or any other distractions that would detract from the child’s focus. Please join us through your home efforts to improve learning and success for your child.
You will be assigned a locker by your homeroom teacher. Students must provide their own locks; one to be used for their personal locker and the second to be used during physical education classes. Students must keep a secured lock on their locker at all times. Do not share your combination or locker with anyone.
You are responsible for keeping your locker clean, orderly and secure. Please be advised that title to and ownership of the lockers within the Middle School are the property of the School District. Students should have no expectation of privacy with respect to their lockers. The administration reserves the right to periodically inspect all lockers.
Students should go to their lockers during the passing times only. You should plan carefully each day which books and materials you will need for your classes. You should not ask your teachers for permission to go to your lockers during class periods.
If your locker does not work properly, please report the issue to the main office. Repairs will be made as quickly as possible.
The lunchroom is a place for you to relax, socialize, and eat lunch in a calm and orderly manner. All food must be eaten in the cafeteria. Inappropriate behavior will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Repeat offenders may lose lunchroom privileges. Please cooperate with the following during lunch:
- You may purchase your lunch or bring it from home. Lunch may not be charged.
- If possible, give the cashier the exact change as it will speed service and give you more time to eat.
- Stay in line at the serving counter until payment is recorded and conduct yourself in an orderly, polite manner while waiting to be served.
- Discard your tray or lunch bag properly as soon as finished.
- Leave the lunch table as clean as possible for the next person.
- While you will not be permitted to go to your locker, you may go to the lavatory with the permission of the monitors and a hall pass.
Detailed instructions for fire drills are posted in each room of the building. It is essential to the safety of all that you remain completely silent and follow these directions during a fire drill.
At the sound of the alarm, stop work, form the line for your room, and pass quietly, quickly, and in an orderly manner from the building by the route designated for your room.
Walk in single file to the exit without running. Take stairs one at a time. Keep lines straight and do not crowd. Leave space on the stairways in the center between the existing lines.
Leaders should take the ends of the lines sufficiently far from the building to permit the whole of each line to get well away from the building.
With the entire line well away from the building, the line should stand quietly, and wait. While outside, students should stay clear of the roadways around the building and should not lean or sit on any cars.
Upon notification by Administration, students should return to the building in the same orderly fashion that they used in leaving the building.
Upon notification of a tornado “WATCH,” classroom teachers will be alerted by administration. When a “WATCH” is in effect, classroom doors and shades should be closed, and windows should be opened. Students should be moved away from window areas as much as possible. The library will be closed and all physical education classes will be moved to the auditorium.
All staff will be on alert to listen for a bell signal indicating the building is moving into a “WARNING” procedure mode.
Upon the upgrading of a tornado “WATCH” to a “WARNING,” all classes on the 1st and 2nd floors will leave their assigned classrooms, entering into the hall. They will then move to their assigned locations as a class with the teacher (classroom door should be left closed). Once in the assigned hall location, students will sit away from the wall, on the floor with their arms bracing their heads. No doorways should be blocked, and teachers will remain with their classes. The cafeteria will be designated as the emergency area. In the event students are in the cafeteria during an emergency situation, they will be moved to the side containing the clock.
All teachers on hall duty and prep periods will report to the main office to assist in relaying information.
All visitors will ring the buzzer where they will be asked to provide photo identification. Upon entry into the building they will sign in and wear a visitor’s pass in plain view for identification purposes. After parents/visitors sign in, they will then report to the main office, unless directed otherwise by the monitor or your child’s teacher. Anyone signing a student out must provide a photo ID and be on the Contact list. Visits by students from outside the district are not permitted.
For the security and safety of our students, staff and visitors, this facility employs camera surveillance equipment. This equipment may or may not be monitored at any time.
General Conduct
We at Washingtonville Middle School are proud of the facilities provided for us. All students are expected to observe rules of common courtesy and to exhibit proper behavior and good manners both in school and on the buses. By doing so, we can keep our school looking neat and clean, and maintain a friendly and cooperative atmosphere in which to work and enjoy ourselves more.
You are encouraged to be a good citizen of our school. Students who consistently break school rules will be subject to the loss of all school privileges such as: participation in clubs, field trips, sports, dances, assemblies, etc. This penalty may be invoked by the principal or assistant principals at any time and for any duration. This includes the 8th grade end of the year activities. Excessive referrals may result in exclusion from the 8th grade ceremony, dance and trip. The frequency and severity of the referrals are determining factors for exclusion from these activities. Poor academic standing may result in forfeiture of participation in the Moving up Ceremony, clubs, athletics and other activities.
Any student who stays for an after school activity and misbehaves while waiting for the late bus, will be suspended from the activity at the administrator’s discretion.
Central Detention
Students will be assigned central detention after school (2:11 p.m.-3:30 p.m.) for various offenses. There will be no talking or socializing during central detention. Students should do homework, work on school projects, read magazines, books, etc. Once in central detention, there will be no locker passes given to students. Students are dismissed from central detention at 3:30 p.m. and will be issued a pass for the late bus, if necessary.
Students must have prior written permission from their parents to ride another student’s bus. To prevent overcrowding of buses, transportation will not allow groups of more than five to go on other buses.
Late buses are provided for students who stay after school for detention, extra help sessions, activities, or athletics. All other students must leave on the first run of buses. The late buses leave from the middle school at approximately 4:00 p.m. Late bus passes are distributed by teachers, coaches and the after school monitors. Once students are dismissed from their activities, they must report to the assigned area to be supervised by the monitors. Under no circumstances are students to leave the school building, go into town, and then try to take the late bus home.
Health Program
1. DTaP/DTP 3 doses.
2. MMR-one after 1st Birthday and one prior to
3. Polio-3 - 4 doses of
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
4. Hepatitis B-3 doses of the vaccine K-12.
5. Varicella-2 doses or MD documentation of disease.
6. Tdap-required at age 11.
7. Meningitis –students entering 7th grade.
Second dose for grade 12.
Immunizations are available from your family physician as well as free clinics sponsored by the Orange County Health Department. Children who do not have the required immunization may be excluded from school. For further information, please visit
School Nurse
(Ext. 21531 or 21532)
The nurse’s office is located on the first floor across from the guidance office. A pass from your teacher is to be obtained before going to the school nurse, except in cases of an emergency. Students on crutches/medical boot must have a doctor’s note and must use the elevator. They must enter and exit by Café B.
Whenever you are involved in an accident in which you receive an injury of any kind, you must report it immediately to the teacher in charge of the activity and to the school nurse.
In order to be excused from participation in the physical education program for an extended period of time, you must have a medical note from your doctor. You also need a note from your doctor to return to gym classes. All students excused from Gym will be assigned to a Physical Education study hall. Students not participating in Physical Education may not participate in school sports. Students on crutches must enter and exit by Cafeteria B.
If your child is taking a prescription medication or an over the counter medication, an “Authorization for Administration of Medicine,” form must be completed by the parent/guardian and the physician prescribing the medication. All forms must be completed in their entirety and returned to the health office. No medication will be administered without written consent. If you need medication in school, it is to be left in the health office. All medication brought into the health office must be in the original container and delivered to the health office by the parent/guardian. All prescription medications must be counted and signed by Health Office Personnel and parent/guardian.
All emergency contacts must be in writing from the parent or guardian. Any changes made to the Emergency Authorization Form, i.e., address, phone, etc. must be in writing by the parent or guardian. Students will not be released to anyone without proper identification and who are not listed on the student’s contact form.
All students must have a current physical on record in the health office in order to tryout or participate in sports. If the current physical is due to expire during the season of the sport, please provide an updated copy as soon as possible. Sport physicals are valid for one calendar year only and must be submitted to the health office, not to the coach or athletic office. The district no longer offers physicals over the summer. Physicals are given during the school year by the district’s Nurse Practitioner at no cost and by appointment.
All students not participating in a school sport, who are entering the seventh grade, must have a physical examination form completed within 12 months prior to the beginning of seventh grade and provided to the health office within thirty days after the student has started school. Otherwise, our Nurse Practitioner will conduct the physical.
All physicals done in the Health Office require a completed permission form, signed by a parent/guardian, which can be downloaded from the Health Office link on the school website or obtained in the Health Office.
Request for Records
Change in Program
Any student requesting a change in program must first meet with his/her guidance counselor and set up a parent conference to discuss the possibilities of such a change. All requests for changes will be handled individually, based upon the review of guidance and the school administration. Including Alternative Lunch.
Student Support Services
Your counselor is here to help you with any problems that you might have during the year. Feel free to make an appointment to see him/her any time you feel it is necessary. Talking over problems is usually the first step in solving them. Make an appointment to see your counselor prior to first period, during study hall or after school.
You are assigned a guidance counselor on an alphabetical basis:
Nicole Michaels – ext. 21514
Grade 6 – A to C
Grade 7 – A to DO
Grade 8 – A to C
Molly Iafrate – ext. 21517
Grade 6 – PR to Z
Grade 7 – S to Z
Grade 8 – S to Z
Linda Losquadro – ext. 21516
Grade 6 – D to H
Grade 7 – DP to L
Grade 8 – D to L
Jenna Korn – ext. 21513
Grade 6 – I to Q
Grade 7 – M to PQ
Grade 8 – M to R
Guidance Secretaries: Ext. 21511 or 21512
Parents are encouraged to contact their guidance counselors with concerns.
The Middle School offers Accelerated programs in math and science for 8th grade students that are eligible. Should your child be eligible, they would take Living Environment: Biology and Algebra, both Regents level courses. Upon successful completion of these courses your child earns one credit for each towards High School Graduation.
An 85 average of all courses with no grade lower than 80. A grade of incomplete will keep a student off the honor roll until the incomplete is made up and the average is recomputed.
A 90 Average of all courses with no grade lower than 85. A grade of incomplete will keep a student off the honor roll until the incomplete is made up and the average is recomputed.
6th Grade -The final course average is the average of the 4 marking period grades. Each marking period grade counts as 25% of the final average.
7th & 8th Grade - The final course average is the average of the 4 marking period grades. Each marking period grade counts as 25% of the final average.
7th Grade World Language - The final course average consists of the 4 marking period grades and the final exam score. Those five grades are averaged together to get the final exam grade. Each marking period and the final exam grade count as 20% of the final average.
If you are transferring to another school, you should report to your guidance counselor prior to your last day of school.
On your last day of school, the counselor will issue you a check-out form which must be taken to the librarian, the nurse, and all of your teachers for their signatures. These signatures indicate that the student chromebook and all books/materials belonging to the school have been returned. You will be issued a transfer when this completed form is returned to the guidance office.
The National Junior Honor Society is an honorary service club at the Middle School. All members must uphold high standards of scholarship, character, citizenship, leadership and service. Initial scholarship eligibility for induction occurs after the 3rd quarter during 7th grade. A candidate must have achieved an average greater than or equal to 93.0% in English, math, social studies, science, and foreign language. Students who meet the initial scholarship requirement may apply for membership by filling out and submitting a student activity form and essay to the Faculty Council. The guidelines and application will be provided to them by the NJHS adviser. During the selection process students need to provide evidence of community service activities such as volunteering in scouting, food pantry, library programs and camps. Examples of leadership roles could include team captains, elected officers in clubs or other organizations. Good citizenship can be demonstrated by awards and recognitions. After the Faculty Council reviews all applications and materials, selected students are formally inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in June. Those 7th grade students inducted will serve during their 8th grade year.
Maryangely Hernandez - 21519
Kerri LoPuzzo - 21552
School psychologists help children succeed academically, socially and emotionally. They collaborate with educators, parents and other professionals to create safe, healthy and supportive learning environments for all students.
Some of the functions of the School Psychologist are:
- Evaluate eligibility for Special Services.
- Individual and group counseling
- Consultations with teachers, parents, other professionals and agencies.
- Crisis and behavior management.
The role of the school social worker is to work with and link students, families and/or the community together to achieve positive relationships and access desired services. The Social Worker can provide crisis intervention, counseling services and support by linking students and families with school and community resources. The Social Worker promotes the employment of productive conflict resolution approaches and can develop proactive plans for students with academic and behavior problems. Services for families in Temporary Housing protected under McKinney-Vento legislation can also be arranged. For information please contact:
Michelle Cestaro, LMSW: District Social Worker
(845) 497-4000, Ext: 24524
Emergency School Closings
If school is to be closed or have a delayed opening due to weather conditions, it will be announced on the district’s website at A ConnectEd message will be made. Parents are invited to subscribe to the District’s Emergency Notifications e-mail list. In the event of school closing or delay, subscribers receive e-mail or mobile phone text messages immediately after the information is posted. To hear a telephone recorded message regarding school closings and delays, call 497-4000, Ext. 999. You should inform your child(ren) of what to do in the event you are not at home when school is dismissed early.
Telephone Use
In an emergency, students who wish to use a phone may use the office telephone. A pass is needed to use the office phone during the day.
Students will not be allowed to call home for forgotten items, and they will not be called from class for any items unless it affects their health or welfare.
You will notice that most rooms in the building are provided with a telephone. These phones are part of the intercom system and students are not to use them, except in emergencies.
Students are not allowed to use cell phones and other electronic devices in school unless administrative consent has been granted after a parent request and conference occurs. Any misuse of cell phones or electronic devices can result in disciplinary consequences
The athletic program is an important part of the overall educational process. Interscholastic competition provides students with the opportunity to improve personal fitness, self-discipline, and teamwork skills. The program strives to be educational, instructional, and always keeps winning in the proper perspective. Participation in the athletic program is a privilege granted to students who maintain scholarship and citizenship within the District’s rules and regulations. There is a great deal of responsibility and commitment attached to participation in interscholastic athletics on the part of the athletes and their families. Athletes are expected to put forth an honest effort to make the best personal contribution to their team at every game and practice.
All students in grades 7-12 are encouraged to try out for teams. The usual grades for team levels are: modified 7 & 8; frosh 9, JV 9 & 10; and varsity 11 & 12. Of course, depending on the individual skill level of the athlete, there may be variations of the grade level of the student involved with a team.
There is great diversity among student athletes throughout New York State. The Athletic Placement Process was revised to assess a student’s physical, emotional maturation, physical fitness, and sport skill, so that a student may be placed at a level of competition that should result in increased opportunity, a fairer competitive environment, minimized risk and greater personal satisfaction. In districts that allow the program, safety must be of paramount importance.
The APP is to be used only when an individual athlete’s skills warrant moving to the commencement or intermediate sport competition level, and therefore, ideally, it should be initiated by the district’s physical education director and/or athletic director and physical education staff, who recognize the student’s skill.
All other announcements for the testing date for each season will be made in school and on the Middle School and athletic web pages.
All athletes must have a physical examination on file prior to the first try out day. Physical examinations are made available at no cost to the family each year. Announcements of team meetings, tryouts and physical examination dates are normally made in the physical education classes, over the loud-speaker, and on the Athletic Department’s web page.
Students must be in attendance for all classes for the entire school day in order to participate in team practices, athletic games, or club meetings. Students who are not present in school or those who come to school late without proper documentation will not be able to participate in team or club activities. Students arriving to school late must report directly to the Attendance office and present a legal note from a parent/guardian or doctor to be able to participate in any after school events. Eligibility to remain on a sports team or club depends on successful academic performance. Students must be passing all subjects to continue to participate with the team or club. At the time of the 5 week progress report, a student failing one or more courses will be placed on academic probation. Academic probation will last for a period of 5 weeks. Faculty and staff will continue to offer the student support in bringing up their grades. Failure of one or more courses at the end of the marking period will result in the student being declared ineligible to participate.
2024-2025 Teams
Fall: Game Day Cheerleading (V, JV); Cross Country (V, M); Football (V, JV, M); Boys Soccer (V, JV, M); Girls Soccer (V, JV, M); Girls Swimming/Diving (V); Girls Tennis (V, JV); Volleyball (V, JV, M)
Winter: Boys Basketball (V, JV, F, M); Girls Basketball (V, JV, M); Competitive Cheerleading (V,JV); Indoor Track (V); Boys Swimming/ Diving (V); Wrestling (V, JV, M)
Spring: Baseball (V, JV, M); Boys Golf (V); Girls Golf (V); Boys Lacrosse (V, JV, M); Girls Lacrosse (V, JV, M) Softball (V, JV, M); Outdoor track (V, M); Boy’s Tennis (V, JV) Girls Flag Football (V)
Athletic schedules and directions can be viewed by accessing the Athletic web page or directly from the Orange County Interscholastic Association web page at Schedules change often. In case of inclement weather, please wait until the afternoon to call since most cancellation decisions are made later in the day.
Rescheduled dates for games will be available from the individual coaches as soon as the new date is confirmed with the other school.
Athletic Program Starting Dates 2024-2025
Online registration & a valid physical are required. Registration will open 30 days prior to the season start date listed below.
Registration when open can be found here:
Fall Sports
Varsity & JV Football Only Aug. 19
Varisty & JV Aug 26.
Modified Sep. 4
Winter Sports
Varsity, JV, Frosh Nov. 18
Modified November 25
Spring Sports
Varsity March 17
Modified March 24
In addition, intramural activities /sports may be available throughout the year.
School Dances
Dances are sponsored by the Middle School PTO, and will be announced in advance of the dance date. Please observe the following regarding these dances:
- Times: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Please make arrangements before the dance for a ride home after the dance.
- These dances are restricted to students currently enrolled at the Washingtonville Middle School only. High school, private school, or elementary school students will not be admitted.
- Dress Code: Unless the dance is a theme dance, rules for appropriate school dress on a regular school day also apply to the dance. Jackets must always be removed and placed in the cafeteria.
- Appropriate Behavior: All rules governing school discipline also apply to school dances. Students who do not behave appropriately may be restricted from the dance.
- Students are not permitted to use their lockers before, during, or after the dance.
- There are two basic areas of activity for dances: cafeteria or the gym. Students are reminded to remain in these two areas only.
- All drinks and snacks must remain in the cafeteria.
- In case of a cancellation due to the weather, parents will be notified through ConnectEd messaging.
- Students are not permitted to leave the dance before it ends unless a parent/guardian escorts them.
- Students absent from school on the day of the dance will not be permitted to attend. In addition, students who have disciplinary referrals prior to the dance should check the dance restriction list in the assistant principal’s office on the day of the dance. Students whose names appear on the list are not eligible to attend.
- Students may be restricted from a dance for any disciplinary issues occurring any time prior to the dance.
- Students should be dropped off in front of the building and picked up on the west side of the building by the tennis courts.
Bookbags, Skateboards, Electronics
Students are welcome to bring book bags and backpacks to school. However, during the change of period, they are not allowed to carry them in the hallway to classes. Students are encouraged to store their book bags in their lockers. They have ample time to visit their lockers to obtain materials during the school day.
Personal electronic devices are not allowed in school.
Cell phones are also discouraged. If a student does bring a cell phone to school, it should be turned off and stored in a locked locker during school hours.
The school is under no obligation to search for items that are lost or stolen that do not relate to instruction or class activity.
Breakfast Program
The Washingtonville Central School District recognizes the important contribution that volunteers make to the educational and social environment in the schools of the District and to the students’ educational experience. Volunteers must, however, be aware of the important privacy right afforded to students by law and regulation, and agree to respect such rights to the extent required by such law and regulation. Therefore, every individual who volunteers in the schools of the District must agree to the following:
To respect the privacy rights of the students by not disclosing to any individual and not discussing with other individuals, including family members, information regarding a specific student or students, including but not limited to:
- a student’s progress in school (good grades, bad grades in a course or even on a test);
- a student’s involvement in any incident in school or at a school activity (e.g., disciplinary, accident)
- a student’s status as a student with a disability;
- a student’s health or other problems, including
- whether or not the student takes medication or requires treatment;
- a student’s testing modifications given to a student
- a student’s or student documentation, record, or relating to a student or students.
Title VI, Title IX, Section 504
The Washingtonville Central School District, 52 West Main Street, Washingtonville, NY 10992, does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, weight, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, sexual orientation, gender or handicap in the educational programs or activities which it operates, and it is required by the Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and 1973 not to discriminate in such a manner.
This policy of non-discrimination includes the following areas: recruitment and appointment of employees; employment pay and benefits; counseling services for students; access by students to educational programs, course offerings and student activities.
Mrs. Lynn Imperato, Director of Personnel, is responsible for the coordination of activities relating to Title VI and Title IX.
Mrs. Barbara Quinn, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, is responsible for the coordination of activities relating to Section 504.
These officials will provide information, including complaint procedures to any student, parent, or employee who feels that his or her rights under Title VI, Title IX and/or Section 504 may have been violated by the District or its officials.
Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
The Washingtonville School District believes in the right of each child between the ages of 5 and 21 years, or until the child receives a high school diploma, whichever comes first, to receive a free and appropriate education. All students in this State between the ages of 6 and the close of the school year in which he or she turns 16, are required by law to regularly attend school, either in the public schools, non-public schools that are approved for equivalency of instruction by the appropriate school authorities, or in the home in accordance with the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.
The right to a free public school education extends to all students, including those with disabilities. However, this right is not unconditional. As long as due process of law requirements are met, a student may be removed from the classroom, suspended temporarily, or suspended permanently from school. Only students within the compulsory education ages (6 years through the school year in which they turn 16) are entitled to alternative, equivalent instruction following suspension.
Students attend school so that they may develop to their fullest potential. With this in mind, each student is expected to:
- Accept responsibility for his/her actions.
- Respect the rights of others, including his/her right to secure an education in an environment that is orderly and disciplined.
- Attend school on a regular and punctual basis
- Complete class assignments and other school responsibilities by established deadlines.
- Show evidence of appropriate progress toward meeting course and/or diploma requirements.
- Respect school property such as locker, desks, books etc., and help to keep it free from damage.
- Obey school regulations and rules made by school authorities.
- Recognize that teachers assume the role of a surrogate parent in matters of behavior and discipline when at school, as well as during school sponsored activities.
- Contribute toward establishing and maintaining an atmosphere that generates mutual respect and dignity for all.
- Become familiar with this code and seek interpretation of parts not understood.
- Discourage inappropriate behavior of other students and report the incidents to the administration.
- Give his or her full name or produce an identification card when requested by any staff member.
Education in a free society demands that students be aware of their rights and learn to exercise them responsibly. To this end, students have a right:
- To be provided with an education that is intellectually challenging and relevant to demands of the 21st century.
- To learn in an environment free from interruption, harassment, discrimination, intimidation and fear.
- To participate in District activities on an equal basis regardless of race, color, creed, national origin,religion, religious organizations, weight, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
- To be informed of all school rules.
- To be guided by a discipline policy, which is fairly and consistently implemented.
In addition to the above, students in the Washingtonville Central School District are afforded the following rights: student expression, student activities, student government, student clubs and other student organizations, privacy rights (search and seizure), schooling for pregnant students, and student grievances and complaints. Further explanations of these rights can be found in the Washingtonville Central School District Code of Conduct.