Grade 6 FAQ
6th Grade August 2024 Orientation Presentation
Grade 6 FAQ
Will I get lost in the Middle School?
During the first few days of school, your teachers will walk with you between classes to be sure you get to the right place. Once you have a routine, it is unlikely that you will get lost. If you have a question about where something is, you can easily find a hall monitor, teacher, or school safety officer nearby.
Do I need to change for P.E.?
You will have P.E. every other day. You are not required to change for PE class but you should come to school in sneakers and comfortable clothes on days that you have PE. Students may be asked to sit out if they are not wearing appropriate footwear. (ex: crocs, boots, heels)
How do I know which team I am on?
In August you will receive a letter indicating which team you’ve been placed on, as well as a supply list for the upcoming school year.
Who is my school counselor?
Counselors for sixth graders listed on the main page. Students can also find this information on their School Tool.
What will I need to bring for the first day of school?
Your team letter in August will provide you with the list of specific supplies required by your team. The middle school website will show a list of general supplies. On the first day make sure you bring your supplies, and lunch or lunch money. Bags and backpacks should be small enough to fit into a locker. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to carry them during the school day.
When do I get to learn a new foreign language?
Students will begin their foreign language experience in seventh grade by choosing either Spanish or French.
How do band and chorus work?
Students are scheduled for band and/or chorus every other day. Instrumental lessons for band require that students come out of their classes on a rotating schedule so that they do not miss the same class each time.
Can I bring a cell phone or other electronic device to school?
Phones, iPods and other handheld video games or music are not permitted to be used during the school day. Cell phones must also be turned off and remain out of sight during the school day. Telephones are available for student use in the main office and health office.
Where do I find my bus?
Buses drop students off in the morning at the back of the school near the tennis courts. Know your route number, as this will not change. Buses will line up in the afternoon in the same spot everyday. Once you locate where your bus parks it will be in the same spot every afternoon. Buses may occasionally be swapped for maintenance but the route number on the side of the bus will always reflect the correct route number.
What is the late bus?
The daily late bus leaves at 4:00 pm. Middle school students who are staying after school for extra help or other school-related functions must get a pass from a middle school staff member to ride the late bus.
How are students placed on teams in the sixth grade?
Each team is made up of students of all ability levels, a balanced distribution of students from each elementary school, and an equal number of boys and girls.
How do students know where to go on the first day of school?
All sixth grade students will report directly to the auditorium on the first day of school. Parents who have volunteered as “greeters” will also help students find their way.
Do students meet their school counselors?
The counselors meet briefly with each sixth grade student in the early fall to introduce themselves and learn more about new students.
How do parents communicate with their child’s teacher/counselor?
If you have a specific question, you can call, e-mail or send in a note to the specific teacher or counselor.
How can parents and students check grades?
Parents can use the Parent Portal to check grades, report cards, progress reports and assignments. Students will also have their own Student Portal account to view the same grade information.
How do students get their locks and lockers?
Students are assigned a locker on the first day of school. Student lockers are located as near as possible to the student’s team. Two locks are needed: 1 for the hall locker and 1 for P.E.
How are students informed of school rules and regulations?
The school planner includes the rules and regulations, and will be given to each student on the first day. Sixth grade homeroom teachers will then review the rules and important details in the planner.
Honor Roll
Who is eligible for the Honor Roll at Washingtonville Middle School?
Students who earn an 85 average in all courses, with no grade lower than an 80, are eligible to make the Honor Roll. This includes all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. (Note: A grade of incomplete will keep a student off the Honor Roll until the incomplete can be made up and the average can be recomputed.)
Who is eligible for the High Honor Roll?
Students who earn a 90 average in all courses, with no grade lower than an 85, are eligible to make the High Honor Roll in the 7th and 8th grades. (Note: A grade of incomplete will keep a student off the High Honor Roll until the incomplete can be made up and the average can be recomputed.)
Making the Honor Roll is no easy task! What can a student do to improve his or her grades?
There are lots of steps that students can take to help improve their grades. One option starts with good organizational habits, such as using their planners regularly to record homework assignments, as well as strong study habits, like reviewing their notes each night after school. When students do not understand the material in class, it is a good idea to ask their teachers for extra help. Teachers are available after school and sometimes even during prep periods during the day, and they genuinely want to help! Staying after school regularly for extra help is a great way to make sure that students keep up with their classwork, and staying after a quiz or test is especially helpful.
Another way to improve grades would be to take advantage of peer tutoring from National Junior Honor Society students, which takes place on Thursdays after school at WMS. The NJHS tutoring program is cost-free and the tutoring is given by top achieving 7th and 8th grade students at the school.
While most students benefit from the options above, families can also consider finding a private tutor if additional help is needed in a certain subject area. Guidance counselors can assist families with referrals if requested.
What is the Three-Time Honor Roll Breakfast?
Those students who make the Honor Roll in Quarters 1, 2 and 3 of the school year are invited to attend a Three-Time Honor Roll Breakfast held in their honor. Families are also invited to attend this event, which is typically held in May. The infamous Washingtonville Honor Roll bumper stickers are handed out at this breakfast ceremony.