
In the event your child is coming in late they need to bring a note to the Attendance Office. If they need to go to a doctor appointment or leave early for any reason, or if your child is going on a different bus for the day, please send a note to the Attendance Office.

New York State law states that legal reasons for absence/lateness include ONLY the following, sickness, death in the family, required court appearance, religious observance, military obligation, medical appointments, or approved college visit. A student is considered tardy to class when they are not inside the classroom by the second bell.

Perfect attendance will be determined as those students with no absences,(ie. field trip is not an absence, a college visit is) no more than 1 legal late arrival, no more than 1 legal early dismissal. Perfect attendance certificates are awarded to eighth graders only.


What do I do if my child is late for school?
Write a note explaining the lateness and send it in with your son/daughter.

Should I call the school if my child is absent?
Yes, please call the attendance office at 497-4000 ext. 21521 or 21522.

Does my child need a note to leave school early for a Doctor or Dentist appt. or some other reason?
Yes, please send the child in with the note to the Attendance office in the morning and they will be issued a pass to leave class.

Do I need to enter the building to pick my child up early?
Yes, they are not permitted to leave the building without being signed out.

Contact Us

Phone: (845) 497-4000
Ext. 21521 or 21522