Student Recognition Programs

There are several programs that acknowledge and reward good grades and positive behavior.

Honor Roll - The 6th, 7th and 8th-grade students who achieve an 85% average or above with no grade lower than 80% receive honor roll recognition. If a 7th or 8th-grade student receives an average of 90%, with no grade lower than 85%, they will be placed on the high honor roll. If a student maintains an 85% average for three marking periods, Washingtonville Middle School hosts a breakfast for the honorees and their families and they receive a bumper sticker.

VISA - Each marking period students who bring their grades up by 20 academic points or 30 points overall are recognized with a Vastly Improved Student Award (VISA) and ceremony.

Student of the Month - Each month faculty nominate students who exhibit positive behavior and an impressive work ethic. To recognize these students, their names are announced and their pictures are taken and put up in our main hallway and sent to the Orange County Post.

National Junior Honor Society - The 7th grade students who achieve a 93.0% average in their five major subjects for the first three marking periods meet initial eligibility and are invited to apply for membership in the National Junior Honor Society. The society participates in volunteer activities that promote leadership and academic excellence.

PBIS - Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies - Faculty and staff recognize those students who exhibit good character traits such as honesty, kindness, and respect. Each student recognized receives a star that is placed on "the path of pride" hallway.

Contact Us

Nicole Michaels

Middle School

Linda Losquadro

Middle School

Molly Iafrate

Middle School

Jenna Korn

Middle School

Naomi Barringer

Middle School