Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is that time of the year again as we get ready to start another fantastic school year! We are excited to welcome all of our 6th grade students and students new to our district for the 2024-2025 school year. We will be hosting an Orientation for parents and students on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. The schedule that day is as follows:
Students with the last name beginning A-L 9:00 am- 11:00 am
Students with the last name beginning M-Z 12:00pm- 2:00 pm
Orientation will take place in the Middle School Auditorium where we will begin with a presentation. After the presentation, parents and students may go on a self-guided tour of the building. Please bring your Team letter with you. If you haven't received one yet, it should arrive this week. Your Team letter will have your homeroom classroom number on it. Please bring that with you so you can find your first period classroom on the day of Orientation.
Teresa Thompson
Washingtonville Middle School
Purpose, Intention, & Focus