Problem-solving and creativity STEM right from the kitchen

Problem-solving and creativity STEM right from the kitchen
A group of students display their bridge models built of spaghetti

For students in Mrs. Sirucheck's technology classes, the Bridge Building Unit was more than a civil engineering challenge this year. It was a feat of ingenuity and perseverance! And a bit of fun, too.

Instead of the more pliable balsa wood traditionally used to build these structural models, students learning from home reached into the family's kitchen cabinets for their raw material: spaghetti! 

Putting their problem-solving skills to the test, they stared down the constraints of a highly breakable material and designed an impressive variety of bridge decks, elevations and support configurations. 

Crossing multiple STEM subjects, this kind of applied learning connects students to real-world challenges, invites questions, collaboration, and increases student engagement.